Acknowledgement of Land and Peoples

Since time immemorial, First Nations, Inuit and Métis people have respectfully cared for these lands as Creator intended, as their families were sustained by them.

Today, on these lands now called Canada, many other peoples have come to live, work and worship. In some places settlement on the land has come about through treaty; in most areas this has not been the case or where treaties are in existence, these have not been honoured by settlers. There is also an ongoing story of Canada separating Indigenous children from their families with the intention of cultural genocide.

We wish to acknowledge this reality of broken treaty and the need for reparation and reconciliation. The trauma experienced by Indigenous communities and the generations of broken promises continue to lead to terrible suffering in communities today.

The Good Table is committed to learning to recognize these realities and to seek to live in a good way in this land as treaty people.